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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 17:36



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 06:26

1. Participate in the whole production process work (DCS system operation and production equipment operation, etc), earnestly implementing the production plan, and try to finish manufacturing task maintenance workshop clean, to ensure the production process and operating in compliance with EHS and ISO and GMP standard
2. Raw material, finished product transportation and bulk loading and unloading.
3. Coordinate and cooperate with electrical, mechanical, products process equipment switching and maintenance and cleaning pipeline operation.
4. Keep EHS, GMP standard. Safety operation and, together with the company for technical reform and improve the efficiency of the production plan. Strictly according to the production plan procedure (SOP/WI) operation are epoxy resin adhesives, curing agent production and bulk loading and unloading. Coordinate internal (the) hold completion of the production tasks, the treatment of the accident, strengthening production management, follow the production schedule, including (safety, quality, efficiency, 5 S) mainly responsible for Lexan resin, Cycoloy resin, LNP resin production line production and management, DCS/PLC operation, the accurate control equipment parameters, keep good records of production and work safety analysis, good at finding potential problems and remove the faults, maintain production progress to achieve goals and requirements. I have 4 years experience in chemical plant; Be familiar with plastic polycarbonate (Lexan resin, Cycoloy resin, LNP resin); Epoxy resin and active pharmaceutical ingredients, and other chemical production process, the understanding of the typical chemical equipment and unit operation, familiar with synthetic reaction, substitution reaction, extraction points phase, distillation, distillation, filtering, centrifugal, drying chemical process. Familiar with DCS system, good EHS concept, rich operation experience, can be very good deal with production process all kinds of emergencies, I am diligent progress, and have a strong collective sense of honor and good team spirit. In the original company is deep each leadership the high praise. In the field of chemical industry, the hope can have a better development.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 06:30

1. Participate in the whole production process work (DCS system operation and production equipment operation, etc), earnestly implementing the production plan, and try to finish manufacturing task maintenance workshop clean, to ensure the production process and operating in compliance with EHS and ISO and GMP standard
2. Raw material, finished product transportation and bulk loading and unloading.
3. Coordinate and cooperate with electrical, mechanical, products process equipment switching and maintenance and cleaning pipeline operation.
4. Keep EHS, GMP standard. Safety operation and, together with the company for technical reform and improve the efficiency of the production plan. Strictly according to the production plan procedure (SOP/WI) operation are epoxy resin adhesives, curing agent production and bulk loading and unloading. Coordinate internal (the) hold completion of the production tasks, the treatment of the accident, strengthening production management, follow the production progress, includin
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