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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 16:52



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 02:10

Was asked if I believe that fate? I will answer, I do not believe that .... to control their own destiny in the hands of the next what kind of follow the road? How have the kind of fate? Can not be successful, so everything needs of their own To strive for ..... the world is not born of the Bill Gates genius, and he is also through their own hard work today is the status of the children ...... bandit who is also a bandit? He may in the future Is the police! Who said the poor always poor? In the future he may become a rich man! In my life, fighting spirit and self-confidence played a role, because only with the fighting spirit is the driving force of self-confidence can we have a miracle that only those with .... They can own destiny .....

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 02:11

If someone asked me believe that fate? I will answer, I do not believe that .... to control their own destiny in the hands of the next what kind of follow the road? How have the kind of fate? Can not be successful, so everything needs to go to ..... Efforts of the world's birth is not Bill Gates's genius, and he is also through their own hard work today is the status of the children ...... bandit who is also a bandit? Perhaps he is a future Police! Who said the poor always poor? In the future he may become a rich man! In my life, fighting spirit and self-confidence played a role, because only with the fighting spirit is the driving force of self-confidence can we have a miracle that only those with them .... Can be of our own destiny .....

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 02:11

If someone asked me believe destiny or not? I will tell him not.The destiny is controlled in our own hands. Which way to choose about the future? Will have what kind of the destiny? To be succeed or not to be succeed? These all depend on the effort you have made.No one was born with a talent as Bill Gates',and he has also struggled for a long time to get today's achievement. Who said the robber's child would be a robber in the future? Maybe he will be a policeman! Who said the poor will be poor forever?Maybe he will be rich in the future!In my life,spirit of fighting and confidence give me an effection .Because only the spirit of fighting can give power,only believe yourself can make a miracle.You will not be succeed until you have both of them.
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