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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 13:08



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 09:32


Management accounting is to adapt to the economic organization of internal management and graally formed and developed, is the accounting and management of direct combining a comprehensive discipline, is a modern enterprise management an important part of the science. Its main function is through the establishment of a variety of system of internal accounting control, prepared to provide internal economic needs of the various data, information, providing the best business decision needs all kinds of information. Effects of management accounting in our country enterprise promotion, the main obstacle to the application of many, is mainly the management accounting have some intrinsic defects. Therefore, established with Chinese characteristics is the management accounting system of promotion of management accounting fundamental pathways: actively promote the modern enterprise system is to promote the application of management accounting prerequisites : solving the management accounting standardization problems. To overcome the gap between theory and practice is to promote the application of management accounting problems.

呼呼(~ o ~)~zZ

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 09:32

Management accountancy is formed and developed generally along with the inner operation in the cooperation. As the combination of accountancy and management, it is a comprehensive subject and is an important component in the science of modern entreprise management. It will set up all kinds of internal accountant-control systems, draw up and provide all kinds of data and materials that internal economic benefits need, so that it can realize its main function to provide various information that good operation and decision-making needs. There are many obstacles affecting the popularization and application of management accountancy in China, many of which lie in some defects of the management accountancy itself. Therefore, the fundemental way to popularize management accountancy is to set up management accountancy systems with Chinese characteristics; the prerequisite for carrying forward the application of management accountancy is to positively carry forward the modern entreprise systems; the real problem of pushing the application of management accountancy is to solve the problem of standardizing management accountancy and to avoid the separation between theory and practice.
Key words: management accountancy; main function; entreprise management
很负责地说 ,有些专业名词可能、或许会不太严谨,但基本没什么大问题,你再理一理。还有就是现在有点卡,没检查拼写,劳你自个儿粘到word里检查下。

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 09:33

Management accounting is to adapt to the economic organization of internal management and graally formed and developed, is the accounting and management of direct combining a comprehensive discipline, is a modern enterprise management an important part of the science. Its main function is through the establishment of a variety of system of inter, prepared to provide internal economic needs of the various data, information, providing the best business decision needs all kinds of information. Effects of management accounting in our country enterprise promotion, the main obstacle to the application of many, is mainly the management accounting have some intrinsic defects. Therefore, established with Chinese characteristics is the management accounting system of promotion of management accounting fundamental pathways: actively promote the modern enterprise system is to promote the application of management accounting prerequisites : solving the management accounting standardization problems. To overcome the gap between theory and practice is to promote the application management accounting problems. 应该就这吧

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 09:33

Management accounting is to adapt to the economic organization of internal management and graally formed and developed, is the accounting and management of direct combining a comprehensive discipline, is a modern enterprise management an important part of the science. Its main function is through the establishment of a variety of system of internal accounting control, prepared to provide internal economic needs of the various data, information, providing the best business decision needs all kinds of information. Effects of management accounting in our country enterprise promotion, the main obstacle to the application of many, is mainly the management accounting have some intrinsic defects. Therefore, established with Chinese characteristics is the management accounting system of promotion of management accounting fundamental pathways: actively promote the modern enterprise system is to promote the application of management accounting prerequisites : solving the management accounting standardization problems. To overcome the gap between theory and practice is to promote the application of management accounting problems.
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