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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 11:34



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 19:36

University life summary
In busy, past the black June; In the very excited, into the university; And in imperceptible in, go out a semester as a freshman. Looking back, feeling quite a lot.
Just walk into university life, I have no don't adapt to, no habit. Instead I am very excited and I'm excited, because of the 12 years of effort, the day finally realize, I use twelve years for youth, is not this day? My heart is full of dreams, I look forward to the future full of. I decided to, to, through their own efforts, to realize the dream of heart.
When the class began formally, I felt, the university but so, have a class to learn, even, even exam homework! I was disappointed, the dream and reality is not consistent disappointment, don't university is way? Television is not so play of ah!
I still busy and for his future, but I am not ready, not content to just as before, just learning, I want to live out their own university life. I kept on hard, I actively take part in all kinds of activities, I signed up for the club, to join the student union. I participated in the wild fairy brigade community, were in their recruiting activities, and took part in the (Beijing) the one-day tour of nj. I signed up running for student body sports minister, for lack of experience, and finally lost the election. I was running for class President, because not enough ability, also lost the election, I am not discouraged, focusing on the participation?
I FengHongFeng with other three students together, founded the free combat community, the current supervision department minister, community members of nearly 200 people, engage have professional coach 2, regular training. Our community's purpose is to strengthen the body. Hope the teacher of guidance.
In thoughts, I actively to apply to join the Chinese communist party in high school, I became party activists, in college, I didn't give up to become a party member's dream, I keep thinking of the summary, find the shortage, to rectify.
Learning, I am not very hard, although the exam passed the make-up exam, no, but in all fairness, I didn't use very strength son. Like English, I didn't work hard, basic beginning I carry on the back the words, in the end, I will not back, always defaulted on debt of more and more, and the results, it simply does not bear; Other subject is also, at ordinary times I don't how to learn in the classroom, just listen to the lectures, finished his homework and arrive examination, two weeks. Why assault This study is no good, I at ordinary times, in the next term, firmly master books to knowledge, and by using the spare time, learn some outside books or other professional thing, for future employment doing?
This is my life as a freshman.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 19:30

I have learned a lot during this term.Compared to English learing in High School,i do a lot oral English exercise,for example,daily talk with my roomies.And i make a plan to learn an English song every two weeks.What's mors ,i became a fan of the American TV seirs The Vampire Diraries.I think their pronunciation is really good for my English learing.And i will keep trying to do even better.
next term,i wish could pass the CET4,though,there still ramains o lot to do.I trust myself.
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