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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 11:33



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 20:57

Financial consumer protection is a global problem, most countries on the financial consumer right protection is not satisfactory, and each has its own problems. Because financial products externalities, asymmetric information and the complexity of the financial sector, financial supervision authorities of neglect, and other factors, the consumer rights in the financial sector is hard to get effective protection and stretching, thus forming and consumer protection depressions. In 2008 the subprime crisis proof, whether the American model of the British model or regulatory are further improved.
The outbreak of the crisis with a painful price awakens the financial consumer rights consciousness, but crisis as big waves, can wake the financial consumers and financial regulators, financial consumer protection way still need further investigation. More serious ?

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 20:56

Financial consumer protection is a global problem, most countries on the financial consumer right protection is not satisfactory, and each has its own problems. Because financial products externalities, asymmetric information and the complexity of the financial sector, financial supervision authorities of neglect, and other factors, the consumer rights in the financial sector is hard to get effective protection and stretching, thus forming and consumer protection depressions. In 2008 the subprime crisis proof, whether the American model of the British model or regulatory are further improved.

The outbreak of the crisis with a painful price awakens the financial consumer rights consciousness, but crisis as big waves, can wake the financial consumers and financial regulators, financial consumer protection way still need further investigation. More serious problem is, as the crisis disappeared, "the financial consumer protection issue will gradually fade out the vision, after all pursuing financial stability and financial development is the financial regulators first priority, so it will" financial consumer protection "institutionalized, by taking the system construction to maintain the interests of consumers is a long-term mechanism. Because of the complexity of the financial, borrows by regulatory intervention and strengthen financial consumer rights protection is the main institutional way.

The differences between the various countries' finance consumers to the various countries' finance to consumer protection regulation also each are not identical, though in the United States, for representatives of several developed countries already lays out more complete financial consumer rights protection supervision of basic contexts, but does not produce global demonstration effect and driving effects, is difficult to every country including China practice brings a perfect supervision of fully support theory, but building financial consumer protection regulation of the basic framework of the actual is ripe. This paper attempts to suggest such a framework system, so as to perfect our country's financial consumer rights protection supervision system.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 20:52

Financial consumer protection is a global problem, most of the countries of the financial consumer protection are not just as one wishes, and each have their own problems. Because of the financial products externality, information asymmetry, the complexity of financial field, financial supervision authorities neglect and other reasons, the consumer rights in the field of finance is difficult to be effectively protected and extension, and consumer protection depressions formed therefrom. In 2008, the subprime crisis that, regardless of the United States of America mode or the British model of regulation have yet to be further improved.The outbreak of the crisis to a painful price awaken the financial consumer rights awareness, but the crisis as the waves, only to wake the financial consumers and financial regulators, consumer financial protection ways still need further exploration. A more serious problem is, as the crisis fades," financial consumer protection" topic will gradually fade out of sight, after all, the pursuit of financial stability and financial development is the primary task of financial regulators, this will be" financial consumer protection" system, with the system construction to maintain consumer interest is a kind of lasting effect mechanism. As a result of financial complexity, by regulatory intervention and strengthen the protection of the rights of financial consumers are the main institutional way.The financial consumer problem determines the difference of national financial to consumer protection regulation also each are not identical, although in the United States on behalf of a number of developed countries has draw more complete protection of the rights of financial consumers supervision basic context, but does not have a global demonstration effect and driving effect, difficult for every country including China supervision practice about the consummation of a sufficient theoretical support, but the construction of the financial consumer protection regulation framework it is ripe. This paper attempts to propose such a framework, in order to perfect China's financial supervision system of consumer rights protection.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 20:56

Financial consumer protection is a global problem, most of the countries of the financial consumer protection are not just as one wishes, and each have their own problems. Because of the financial products externality, information asymmetry, the complexity of financial field, financial supervision authorities neglect and other reasons, the consumer rights in the field of finance is difficult to be effectively protected and extension, and consumer protection depressions formed therefrom. In 2008, the subprime crisis that, regardless of the United States of America mode or the British model of regulation have yet to be further improved.The outbreak of the crisis to a painful price awaken the financial consumer rights awareness, but the crisis as the waves, only to wake the financial consumers and financial regulators, consumer financial protection ways still need further exploration. A more serious problem is, as the crisis fades," financial consumer protection" topic will gradually fade out of sight, after all, the pursuit of financial stability and financial development is the primary task of financial regulators, this will be" financial consumer protection" system, with the system construction to maintain consumer interest is a kind of lasting effect mechanism. As a result of financial complexity, by regulatory intervention and strengthen the protection of the rights of financial consumers are the main institutional way.The financial consumer problem determines the difference of national financial to consumer protection regulation also each are not identical, although in the United States on behalf of a number of developed countries has draw more complete protection of the rights of financial consumers supervision basic context, but does not have a global demonstration effect and driving effect, difficult for every country including China supervision practice about the consummation of a sufficient theoretical support, but the construction of the financial consumer protection regulation framework it is ripe. This paper attempts to propose such a framework, in order to perfect China's financial supervision system of consumer rights protection.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 20:52

Financial consumer protection is a global problem, most countries on the financial consumer right protection is not satisfactory, and each has its own problems. Because financial products externalities, asymmetric information and the complexity of the financial sector, financial supervision authorities of neglect, and other factors, the consumer rights in the financial sector is hard to get effective protection and stretching, thus forming and consumer protection depressions. In 2008 the subprime crisis proof, whether the American model of the British model or regulatory are further improved.

The outbreak of the crisis with a painful price awakens the financial consumer rights consciousness, but crisis as big waves, can wake the financial consumers and financial regulators, financial consumer protection way still need further investigation. More serious problem is, as the crisis disappeared, "the financial consumer protection issue will gradually fade out the vision, after all pursuing financial stability and financial development is the financial regulators first priority, so it will" financial consumer protection "institutionalized, by taking the system construction to maintain the interests of consumers is a long-term mechanism. Because of the complexity of the financial, borrows by regulatory intervention and strengthen financial consumer rights protection is the main institutional way.

The differences between the various countries' finance consumers to the various countries' finance to consumer protection regulation also each are not identical, though in the United States, for representatives of several developed countries already lays out more complete financial consumer rights protection supervision of basic contexts, but does not produce global demonstration effect and driving effects, is difficult to every country including China practice brings a perfect supervision of fully support theory, but building financial consumer protection regulation of the basic framework of the actual is ripe. This paper attempts to suggest such a framework system, so as to perfect our country's financial consumer rights protection supervision system.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 20:56

Financial consumer protection is a global problem, most countries on the financial consumer right protection is not satisfactory, and each has its own problems. Because financial products externalities, asymmetric information and the complexity of the financial sector, financial supervision authorities of neglect, and other factors, the consumer rights in the financial sector is hard to get effective protection and stretching, thus forming and consumer protection depressions. In 2008 the subprime crisis proof, whether the American model of the British model or regulatory are further improved.
The outbreak of the crisis with a painful price awakens the financial consumer rights consciousness, but crisis as big waves, can wake the financial consumers and financial regulators, financial consumer protection way still need further investigation. More serious ?
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