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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-17 07:26



热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 18:07


1、The girl could hardly understand what he said,can she?
2\The light green dresses have been sold out by them.
3\Tom or Jack may be on the team.
4\Neither she nor his brother reached the top of the mountain.
5\I really don't know which book to choose.
6\He went to school when he was 7.

1、Be sure to look the word up in the dictionary when you do not know how to read it.
2\He has not still apologized to his friends so far.
3\There are some differences between written English and spoken English.
4\How long have you been away from shanghai?
5\The story is well worth listening.
6\We must take steps to stop him from making friends with B.
7\The longer you get along with her,the more you know about her.
8\He said he preferred to be hungry rather than eat such terrible food.
9\Suzhou Garden attracts lots of tourists per year.
10\Nobody could feel the mood that they did not win the women's team.
11\The population of these two countries is even less than that of China.
12\She wanted to talk about the things on learning in school with Tom.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 18:04

Could the girl hardly understand what he said?
The green dresses had been sold out by them.
Tom or Jack may be on the team.
Either she and her brother reached the top of the mountain.
I really don't know the book to choose.
He was seven.He went to school.

You must look for a word in a dictionary when you don't know how to pronounce it.
Up to now, he hadn't apologize to his friends.
There are a little differences between writing English and speaking English.
How long have you left Shanghai?
This story is very worth listening.
We must take some measures to stop him making friends with B.
The long you stay with her, the more you will know her.
He said: He prefer keep hungry to having such terriable foods.
Suzhou Garden attracts a large amount of visitors all over the world every year.
No one can understand their mood of beaten by the Girls' team.
These two countries have much smaller population than China.
She wants to talk with Tom aboout his performence in his school.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 18:05

could the girl understand what he has said?
the light green dresses have been sold out.
Either Tom or Jack may be on the team.
Neither she nor her brother reached the top of the mountain.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 18:05

The girl could hardly understand what he said,could she?

The light green dresses have been sold out by them.

Either Tom or Jack may be on the team.

Neither she nor her brother reached the top of the mountain.

I really don't know which book to choose.

At the age of seven ,he went to school.

1、you must look up the words in the dictionary which you don't know how to pronounce.

2、He hasn't made any apology to his friends yet.

3、There are some differences between written English and spoken English.

4、How long has it been since you left Shanghai?

5、This story worth your listen.

6、Every measure should be taken to stop him making friend with B.

7、The longer you stay with her, the more you get to know her.

8、He said that he prefer enduring starvation than eating such oweful food.

9、Every year, the Su gardens appeal lots of visitors from home to abroad.

10、No one can understand the mood they lost to the women's team.

11、The population of these two countries is far less than that of China.

12、She wants to talk to Tom about his study in school.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 18:06

The girl could hardly understand what he said,could she?

The light green dresses have been sold out by them.

Either Tom or Jack may be on the team.

Neither she and her brother reached the top of the mountain.

I really don't know which book to choose.

He went to school when he was seven.

You do not know how to read a word, be sure to look up the dictionary

He has not apologized to his friends so far.

There are some differences between wrritten English and spoken English.

How long have you been away from shanghai?

This story is worth listening to.

Measures must be taken to prevent him from making friends with B

The longer you stay with her,the more you know her.

He said he would rather go hungry than eat so bad things.

Suzhou gardens attract a large number of foreign tourists every year.

No one can understand their feelings of loss and women's teams

The two nation's population is much less than China's

She wants to talk with Tom about his study.
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