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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-09 12:18



热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 07:58

1、How many people live there?
The total population is 3.03 million, the urban population is 270,000.

2、How is a day in their life?
Same as the most of Sichuanese,they work and study in daytime, play mahjong during evening.

3、What do they eat in the morning?
Almost every Guangyuan people eat Liangmian in the morning. But in winter morning, sometimes, we eat Youcha. This special food was invented by the Hui race of Guangyuan and it can provide abundant calories to against the cold.

4、How big are the families?
Generally speaking, there are 3 people in a family. But in village, it’s very hard to say. It depends on if the first child is a boy.

5、What's the level of education of the majority?
The overall level of education is not high,but a few of young people have college education.

6、What are people’s beliefs?
Some people, especially the old, believe in Buddhism. A few people believe in Christianism. The Hui race of Guangyuan believe in Islam.

7、Can you find many foreigners there?
No, during my middle school years, six foreign teachers taught in Guangyuan at different time。Now it seems there are only 2 foreigns,one of them has married a local person, and has a son now. He may settle down there。

8、Do any minority groups live there?
Yes , some of the Hui race lives there.

9、What’s your favorite place there?
My mother’s work unit .I spent my childhood and a period of adolescence there so that I have many unforgettable memories about there.

10 、How long do you live there?
About 19 years. I was born there and have lived there until I left for the university.

11、Is pollution an issue?
No! GY’s pollution is not an issue because of the less-developed industry. We can often see blue sky and white clouds, and breathe fresh air. It’s very suitable to live.

12、If you could contribute, what would you do, and why ?
I would contribute to economy development. Because of the less-developed industry, GY is much poorer than any other city of Sichuan. First, I would give priority to the development of heavy industry with convenient transportation and abundant energy. Second, GY has a long history and rich in natural scenery. This is a good condition for tourism development. Third, during the development, I would add environmental protection efforts. I want GY to be a beautiful and rich place.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 07:55

3、What do they eat in the morning?
Almost all the locals eat cold noodle in the morning.But in winter we sometimes drink butter tea for breakfast. This special food was invented by the Hui race of Guangyuan and it provides abundant calories to protect us against the cold weather.

4、How big are the families? 、
It all depends.Generally speaking,there are 3 people in a family.But in villages,it’s very hard to say. It depends on if the family's first child is a boy or not.

6、What are people’s beliefs?
Some people,especially the old,believe in Buddhism. A few are Christians.The Hui race of Guangyuan are mostly muslims.

9、What’s your favorite place there?
My mother’s work place. I spent my childhood and a good part of my teenage years there. I have many unforgettable memories about that place.

10 、How long do you live there ?
About 19 years.I was born and grew up there. I didn’t move to another city until I got into university .

11、Is pollution an issue ?
No! Fortunately my hometown has yet been industrialized. We can often see the vast blue sky and white clouds. The air smells so fresh there. It's a nice place to live.

12、If you could contribute ,what would you do ,and why ?
I would contribute to economic development. Much of GY has not been developed, so it is much poorer than any other city of Sichuan.First ,I would; give priority to the development of heavy industry with convenient transportation and abundant energy .Second ,GY has great potential for tourism development because it has beautiful scenery and rich culture. Third ,in the development ,I would add environmental protection efforts .I want GY to be a beautiful and rich place .

(Just a thought, i think developing heavy industry conflicts with protecting the environment.)

热心网友 时间:2024-05-29 07:51

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