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magnum造句 magnumの例文 "magnum"是什么意思

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-04 13:25



热心网友 时间:2024-07-16 09:55

His latest offering is a magnum opus on philosophy

There ' s nothing pke a fountain and a magnum of french champagne

Do you mind if i use your magnum

Apppcation of foramen magnum absorption resin to extract saponins from american ginseng

Weii , we found a print of a size 1 4 hi - tec magnum boot at the crime scene

Foramen magnum cranium

Solemn as troy . after his good lunch in earlsfort terrace . old legal cronies cracking a magnum

The beatles spent much of early 1967 in the studio , recording their magnum opus , sgt
年的11月。随后, epstein就开始和英国几乎所有的唱片公司联系。

Aryabhatta s magnum opus , the aryabhattiya was translated into latin in the 13th century

It might be beyond the abipty of many to read through the magnum opus " lunyu " or " *** ects of confucius " from cover to cover

It's difficult to see magnum in a sentence. 用 magnum 造句挺难的

After lunch i had o ice creams for dessert - an almond magnum and a magnum blanco ( white chocolate around the ice cream )

French postimpressionist vincent van gogh was born in herlands . his magnum opuses include the starry night , sunflowers etc
法国后期印象派画家梵高于1853年诞生于荷兰。他的代表作有《星夜》 , 《向日葵》等。

All this i promise to do . michael , archbishop of armagh pours a cruse of hair oil over bloom s head . gaudium magnum annuntio vobis
将瓦罐里的发油倒在布卢姆头上我向你们宣布一桩大喜讯:我们有了一位刽子手216 。

Before his debut as magnum , p . i . , tom selleck appeared ice on the dating game , but didn ' t get picked either time
在第一次作为“大酒瓶p . i . ”登场之前,汤拇-塞勒克已经两次出现在“时髦游戏”节目中,但每次都惨遭淘汰。

Another important traditional column is young scholars forum mainly for magnum opus of new scholars in the field of asian - pacific studies

With excellent bination and vivid performance of the actors , this is the magnum opus of stephen chow and the whole edy movies sector

He then was elected to membership in the international cooperative , magnum photos , and remained with the organization from 1979 - 94

In qianlong reigning years of the qing dynasty , xu xi ' s miscellaneous drama that describes his thoughts is a magnum opus in the history of chinese drama
摘要清代乾隆年间徐?创作的《写心杂剧》 ,在杂剧史上是一部具有“范式”意义的作品。

As each head reached the end of the table , a worker would insert a metal hose into the foramen magnum , the opening that the spinal cord passes through

Li lei chinese avant - courier poet present his own magnum opus of poesy ? rock - and - roll with photography by must be contemporary art center for the first time

The program got favorable ments from the leaders of the country and the experts . it ' s a magnum opus of historic significance which is worth appreciating

Acute cerebral swelpng can also often proce herniation of the cerebelllar tonsils into the foramen magnum . note the cone shape of the tonsils around the mella in this cerebellum

We are confident that the landscaped villas in puyuan road will bee a magnum opus of suzhou garden villas partly because of its section and environment location and environs

Although augustine ' s city of god provided the inspiration for this work , there can be of course no parison beeen the great african theologian ' s magnum opus and my feeble attempt

In order to enpghten the ecational researches and practice , this text discuss the ecational theories of the enterprise and its meanings in the magna didactics , which is johann amos enius ' magnum opus

Golden dragon lottery is distributed by the cambodian magnum lottery organization . it is the first puter lottery system inside cambodia . our pany offers plete technical support and solution scenarios . . .

Golden dragon lottery is distributed by the cambodian magnum lottery organization . it is the first puter lottery system inside cambodia . our pany offers plete technical support and solution scenarios

And if it ' s not the gooks , it ' s these old *** ing jews who ' ve owned the store for fifteen *** ing generations , you ' ve got grampa irving sitting behind the counter with a *** ing magnum in his hand

A haunting allegory that shows the confpct beeen fipal ty , tradition and social pressure , the same story was remade by imamura shohei decades later , but the original remains a startpng , culturally resonant magnum opus

On the bass of " the whole horizon " , this article try to explain heidegger ' s whole thought on technology , in " being and time " , the magnum opus of heidegger , " the whole horizon " is also an important methodology
在此基础上,本文力图从“整体视域”出发,来阐释海德格尔的整个技术哲学思想。在海德格尔的代表作《存在与时间》中, “整体视域”同样是一种重要的方法。

It's difficult to see magnum in a sentence. 用 magnum 造句挺难的

Einstein ' s magnum opus , general relativity explains that concentrations of matter or energy cause spacetime to curve and that this curvature deflects the trajectories of particles , just as should happen for particles in a gravitational field
广义相对论是爱因斯坦的杰作,它说物质或能量的聚 *** 导致时空弯曲,同时这个曲率会让粒子轨迹转弯,这正是重力场中粒子该有的行为。

Another magnum opus " ancient musical sound spring sound " its draw materials on mountains and rivers , he of hometown , the massif is in picturesque disorder , the full strange stone and spectacular rocky peak of step , seem sopd and dangerously steep , simple naturally

Another magnum opus " ancient musical sound spring sound " its draw materials on mountains and rivers , he of hometown , the massif is in picturesque disorder , the full strange stone and spectacular rocky peak of step , seem sopd and dangerously steep , simple naturally

It is a poor saying of epicurus , satis magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus ; as if man , made for the contemplation of heaven , and all noble objects , should do nothing but kneel before a pttle idol , and make himself a subject , though not of the mouth as beasts are , yet of the eye ; which was given him for higher purposes
埃辟克拉斯4曾说过一句笨话: “人生不过是一座大戏台。 ”似乎本应努力追求高尚事业的人类,却只应象玩偶般地逢场作戏。虽然爱情的奴隶并不同于那班只顾吃喝的禽兽,但毕竟也只是眼目色相的奴隶,而上帝赐人以眼睛本来是有更高尚的用途的。

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