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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-04 12:27



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 22:57

In the high-quality dining room, will have accent liquor Shi Najiuwho will be skilled in the wine-tasting the list. Human who not too understood to the liquor, best tells the emaciated look which, the budget, the affection wines taste he chooses, the main tuning liquor teacher helps the choice. If the piece de resistance the meats should match the red wine, the fish matches the white. Before serving food, might as well comes the cup champagne, the sherry or the Gill liquor and so on pale liquor When on decoration ingredient to you in front, dines the spoon to take a part to put to own yellow oil disk. If does not have the yellow oil disk, places in own staple food plate. Never must put in directly the decoration ingredient in the mouth. If you want to add the salt in above, nearby the ingredient scatters a spot in the plate. Takes the ingredient with the hand to dip is eating. When the Chinese olive swallows between lips, spits in the first concave tight hand the nucleus, then puts in the tray. Pickles the pickled vegetable to match three Meiji eats when with the hand takes, matches the meat eats when uses the knife and the fork. The dill, the parsley and the water fennel are must use the fork as a meals part edible. They may also use the hand to take are eating, but if above the lid has the salad ingredient or meat juices cooked in soy bean sauce, do not use the hand to take. The thin lemon piece does for decorative or ornamental purpos; The lemon angle or the lemon half must squeeze out the juice. Sticks a thorn gently with the fork the pulp. Pushes in food which the juice needs to blend flavors, (some hotels partly cover with cheese cloth lemon, four splashes by against juice) This is in the recognition British vegetable representative works, sets on fire in the oven by the bulk belt oil's fresh beef to bake becomes. With fries the beefsteak to be the same, when you select this vegetable, the server will ask How do you like it, sir/madame?”, Italy namely “you like living ripe some?”. If you like living some, said “Rare, please”, if you like ripe some, said “Well-done, please”, if were medium says “Medium, Please”. Please certainly do not forget that the sound “please” (please). Completes the beef eats when may moisten the western-style mustard jasmine sauce, took the auxiliary vegetable the York county cloth to be very also famous.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 22:57

In the dining room, there will be the bartender in tasting wine list to take. Don't know about wine, had better tell him to choose their own dishes, budget, favorite wine taste, the bartender should help. If the red meat should be tie-in main, fish is tie-in white. Before serving, to a glass of champagne, sherry or Jill wine with lighter wines

When adornment ingredients in front of you, to take part in your meal spoonfuls of butter dish. If no butter dish, put his staple dish. Never put adornment ingredients directly into his mouth. If you want to add salt, above dish in beside ingredients." Use hand holding the ingredients. Olives, put in his mouth to eat first spit into sunken nuclear tightly hand, put a plate. Marinate with kimchi sandwich, when with the hand when meat to eat with knives and forks. Dill, parsley and water celery as part of the meal is to use fork edible. They can also be eating with your hands, but if it carries the salad ingredients or sauce, not with the hand. Thin lemon slice is decorated in, Lemon wedge or lemon juice to make half. The fork gently into meat thorn. Squeeze juice will need food flavor, (some hotel with lemon cheese cloth cover half, in case the juice scattered)

It is recognized by the British cuisine with large oil masterpiece, the raw beef in the oven and bake fire. With the steak, in your point this dish, the waiter will ask, do you like sir/madame? ", meaning "would you like some or cooked some born? ". If you like the birth, he said, "some Rare," if you like ripe, they said, "some of the done to yourself," if it is Medium is the ", "said. Please don't forget to say" please "(please). When can eat beef with western-style mustard, as the auxiliary dish cloth Yorkshire was also very famous.
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