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为什么人们害怕长大?要英文版的对话,大概能说4分钟左右的那种_百度知 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-04 11:18



热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 10:09

I harm. Fear of long

  I fear, maybe this is grew up very childish idea. Although a naive idea, but my heart, it was a great idea. If I grow up and never can act in pettish won't can happily play. But to do something he didn't want to do. Grew up, in order to survive, I have to work hard to live a lifetime. Hard I will be full of life and the life of sweatshop spots, overworked, the hustle and bustle of footprints. No I grew up, I will still a greed, full of childlike innocence doll, can manufacture with a smile, can all day sitting beside the sand heap, and other partners to play. Don't scruple the other, more won't suffer much oppression.

  As a child, often and some good friends together kites, fishing, swimming, happy; Meet many unhappy things, and can also cry. After crying, the sorrow will tear drops outflow, that as I feel very comfortable. But since grew up, into school school, as time goes on, beyond the junior middle school's threshold. Some childhood playmate would each rush thing, for oneself future for the light of hope.

  Come home every time want to about out those PALS, and go out fishing, kite, to renew his childhood dream. But whenever I go about partners, not home, even in homework. Alone, standing on the hill; See the kite, flying alone sigh shangbei, even the kite also flew not passive. A man in the river hand, fish, and he went away sorrowing, "ah" don't grow up is so pain? Sad zai!

  In school, far from home, three days at both ends, when not seen parents braggings, can't find who talk; Want to cry a, and due to the face, can't cry, psychological really not a taste. Suantiankula, dusting of go toward belly swallowing.

  When I was young, my carefree had every day, very happy; Grew up, trivia and heavy, to handle, going to solve, just to survive, even nerve and no chance to relax.

  "Alas," childhood very happy, grew very upset. I don't want to grow up, I fear grow up. I'm afraid to lose happiness, and welcomed worry; I'm afraid to lose companion, and welcomed trivia heavy. I'm afraid, I'm afraid of is grown; Can we still gradually grow up.
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