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以“how to keep healthy"为题的英语作文.120字.在线等.谢谢.

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-22 23:31



热心网友 时间:2024-05-24 17:53


Now a days,people are not so curious of personal health,because they maybe are busy in working,studying,playing computers or doing soemething that make.themselves very busy ,and untill they forgot what they are eating,and donot have complete sleeping hours.People now are keeping eating unhealthy foods,like junkfoods,eating many high cholesteorl food,and do not have properly diet and exerxise.
All of these is very unhealthy to our body.So we should aware of it.So now we should have a good eating habits,we should eat the balanced diet;the go,grow,glow foods.These foods can keep our body healthy and strong.And we should sleep 8-10hours a day,drink 6-10 glasses of water a day,and last we should have a enough exercise,to keep our body fit,in normal weighs.

A recent survey shows that almosts of 30%of teenagers had a unhealthy eating habits and living habits

As we all know, unhealthy diet can affect our personal health and even our study.For example we can easily get sick。Also we will easily get tired,sleepy, even can let our memory lower and lower.

Therefore,it is important that we should have a good eating habits,First we should change all the unhabbits we had. Second we should have a equal balanced diet and drink more water atleats 6-10 glass of water a day.Besindes, we can eat more vitamin ,fruits and vegetables.Finally we should have a enough exercise,to keep our body fit,in normal weighs.


热心网友 时间:2024-05-24 17:58

Now there is a widespread concern over the issue how we can keep healthy. It is really an important concern to each of us.
As we know , there are many steps which can be taken to deal with this problem. First of all, we must have enough food and the food must be clean. Also, we should never eat too much or too little. In addition, another way of solving the problem is often to take exercise. Doing exercise is very important to keep healthy. By doing it, we not only build up the strong body, but also become active and sunshine bright.
As far as I’m concerned, good health is more important than anything else. I would prefer to solve the problem in such a way, that is to say, always to keep a balanced diet. Different kinds of foods are necessary and helpful to healthy diets.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-24 17:52

A recently survey shows that more than 30 percent of teenagers have unhealthy diet and habits.
As we all know, unhealthy diet will do great harm to our bodies and affect our study efficiency.
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