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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-20 22:48



热心网友 时间:2024-05-24 17:59

According to my point of view, schools are the place where talented persons are nurtured. We ought to have ideal schools,
let's have even more perfect learning environment.
Creative power is the focal point of representing thinking of scientific nature. As my ideal school,firstly,
fostering students' creativity is the most important thing among the many important issues. After that, having an interest is the stormy waves for learning, students should have the freedom to develop individual interest according to their own personal characteristic.
An ideal school is not one that simply pursues achievement, great deal more importance should be attached to students' health,and arrange for more time for sports and other after school activities,students should have sufficient sleeping time.
Finally, I suggest that classes start at 9 o'clock in the morning and school is over for the day at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-24 17:54

As far as i am concerned school is a place to cultivate the talent We ought to have an ideal school which can guarantee us a better environment to study Creativity is the core section representing scientific thinking As my ideal school first it should fut great emphasis on the cultivation of students' creativity And then interest is the best driving force Students have the freedom to develop accord to their individual characters Ideal school does not just pursue score but also more attention about students' health paid to more sport time and outclass activities be arranged and students' enough sleeping time de guaranteed finally i suggest school begin at nine am and ends at four pm手机翻译的累死我了希望能帮你解决问题

热心网友 时间:2024-05-24 17:50

In my opinion, the school is training talents. We should have the ideal school, let us have more perfect learning environment.
Creativity is the scientific thinking the midpoint of endorsements. My ideal school, as the first, the cultivation of students' creative is the priority. Then, the interest is the best waves, students are learning to its own characteristics of development of personal interests.
The school is not just an ideal pursuit of health, students more valued more exercise time and other extracurricular activities, students can have plenty of sleep time. Finally, I suggest class at 9 a.m., 00 p.m. after school.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-24 17:54

In my opinion, schools are places for cultivating talent. We should have an ideal school, let us have a more comprehensive learning environment.
Creativity are representative of the mid-point of scientific thinking. School as my ideal, first of all, students cultivate the creative is the most important. Then, interest in wind and waves are the best study, students have their own characteristics in accordance with the development of personal interests of Freedom.
Ideal rather than the pursuit of the school grade, students receive more attention in health and arrange more time for sports and other extra-curricular activities, students can have sufficient sleep time. Finally, I suggest that 9:00 class, and 16 o'clock after school.
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