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求一篇英语作文I want to say ‘sorry' to__

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 01:26



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 16:20

I want to say ‘sorry' to__mother____
Sorry, mum. I konw I shoud control my temper just now.
I don't know what's wrong with myself. Don't know why I temper is so big at that time. And ran to wake up the mother.
Hurt my mother sad. This is the first time my mother simply because my reason and red eyes.
Really feel very sorry. You are my favorite people, also is my favorite person. Just I can't express myself well will love. SORRY.

Remember the night before the college entrance examination. Two days before I was in the college entrance examination review of zte district.
Mother pick me up back to the store for dinner on Saturday night. Then I took a bag of books back.
After dinner, I sat in the massage chair looking at data. There is a very important this my composition material.
Because have been review the language and Wen Zong on Saturday. So on Sunday ring the day did not think of to have a look at the language.
Wait until 11 PM, I'm going to sleep, goodnight, I want to see the Chinese material.
Because I clearly know me tomorrow about what to write, the composition tomorrow I will choose a material from the composition material in to finish.
Then the worst happened.
I found that on Saturday when I put the data store.
Very depressed very depressed at that time, there is a very bad feeling, I feel very helpless, very sad.
Then I called my mother. My mother is very worried.
My mother said to me, don't worry, mom to the store to help you with now, send you again.
I am really touched, and feel very sorry my mom.
And I said so late, that's ok.
My mother said that my mother send you early tomorrow morning.
I said ok.
I want to in addition to my mother at that time no one will be to me like that.
Only mother and you.
The next morning. I woke up at half past five. My mom brought the book soon. Gave me a small bottle of heart pill.
Let me smell it when I was nervous. Into the examination room if nervous afraid to eat one.
I really can feel my mother's love for me.
I think, for me, my mom is the best mother in the world.
I love you, my mum.

When I was bullied by classmates, uneasy in the home in the evening, my mother finally rushed to the school early for me.
I feel very sad, my mom come to school to see me, give me snacks.
I military training heatstroke, I called to tell mother. My mom didn't tell me go to the pharmacy buy some medicine nearby, but the medicine to send me in the distance.
My mother believed in the day the day job, and do immediately in front of me.
Actually my mom is smarter than I am hardworking than me, she is just the opportunity to read to the uncle.
Mom I am proud of you, actually you are my everything my mom.

I love you, I can 't expense my love in the word.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 16:20

I want to say ‘sorry' to my best friend,Tom
Yesterday,we had a basketball match.You and I were at the same team.We all really wanted to win.The game was very exciting,but at the last time,you miss a goal,and we failed at last.I was very angry at that time and argued with you.
Now I'm very regret.I know you have tried your best.From this lesson,I learn to be calm and to think more for others.
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