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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 21:28



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 04:31

The Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is commonly known as the "festival", the Chinese nation is the most solemn traditional festival. Since the first year of emperor the beginning, beginning with the first day of the first month in the summer for "at", the date of the festival this fixed down, continue today.
Eat custom, Spring Festival eat rice cakes, meaning all the best year high. Ming and qing, is cake has developed into a perennial supply on the market of snacks, and have the north and south flavor of don't.
Meaning, the Spring Festival is, above all, a family festival, family festival, and most especially Chinese value family and family relationships. The Spring Festival is a showcase of the traditional culture festival. The Spring Festival is not only the Chinese Spring Festival, is the world of the Spring Festival.
History, Chinese lunar year at the known as the Spring Festival. Is the most solemn of the Chinese people's traditional festivals, as well as united, prosperous ?

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 04:31

Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year known as "New Year" is the most ceremonious traditional festival of the Chinese nation. The first year since the beginning of the Han Dynasty was in the beginning to the summer in the first month started as the "beginning of the year", which fixed the date of New Year, continues to this day.
Sisu, Chinese New Year rice cake to eat, meaning good luck every year high. Ming and Qing, the cake has become one kind of year-round supply of snacks available in the market, and the other north-south flavor.
Significance, the Spring Festival is the first family holiday, family holiday, but people, especially the most valued Chinese family and kinship. Spring Festival is the concentrated expression of the traditional culture festival. Not only is Chinese New Year Spring Festival, Chinese New Year the world.
History, the beginning of the year known as the Chinese Lunar New Year Spring Festival. The Chinese people the most ceremonious traditional festival, but also a symbol of unity, prosperity, new hope for the future sustenance of the festival.
Shou Sui, is the last day in the old years night without sleep, staying up late to greet the arrival of the new year customs, also known as New Year's Eve Shou Sui, the common name "boil years."

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 04:31

chunjie,chunjie sucheng nianjie追问.....

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