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Straight to Memphis的歌词

发布网友 发布时间:8小时前



热心网友 时间:8小时前

Stop It - Juicy J
I'mma tell you broke niggas something
Make money, no vacation
Pay cash, don't make payments
Getting high like I'm 18 but I've been rich since the late 80’s
Back stage, naked ladies
Poppin pills and swallowing babies
Bad bitches ain't come to play
She gon in her head before I go on stage
New car, a couple of hundred ain't nothing, I call it great money
Bugatti, Ferrari, the Benz, the Bentley, Juicy stay stirrin
Street niggas, we back in them 2's
Play with it, make that yo noose
Put some money on yo head, you worth a stack or two
Real nigga, I'm 100
I'm sip leanin, I chase money
Niggas out here savin hoes
Niggas need to be savin money
Made mine, can't take it from me
Hit the club, I take yo woman
Take her home, get some head, wake up, breakfast in bed
Yea nigga that's gruesome edge
Rich bitch, don't forget to brag
Up and down that interstate
I move weight, that's Jenny Craig
I'mma fuck me a model, I'mma fuck me a model
You only get your little one time so I'mma fuck me a model
I make money all day then I ball with the profits
Niggas hatin on me, I tell em hatin niggas stop it
Go fuck with a bitch, get that back and then I'm gone
Catch me on that loud pack, blowin on this strong
I make money all day then I ball with the profits
Niggas hatin on me, I tell em hatin niggas stop it
Go fuck with a bitch, get that back and then I'm gone
Catch me on that loud pack, blowin on this strong
Straight out of North Memphis nigga
20 years in
Still rich and ain't gon stop getting rich
Told you niggas I ain't never gonna stop getting money
Let's get it
Bitch you ain't no killa
And real niggas don't talk
Start shit in this club
It's going down in the parking lot
Niggas get killed and errday we ain't shedding no tears
Niggas can't keep they mouth closed,
judge give you them years
Yo homie fuckin' yo bitch
And she ain't excepting your calls
Them noobies ain't holding you down
And you call them niggas yo dogs
They really out here hatin so stay strapped up like a tight
They got guns, they got them in movies
Except they not shootin blanks
Pass straight them, broad daylight
They don't care who lookin
Young niggas got something to prove, niggas think he pussy
Playin round in my hood and I'll smoke you like a swisher
We don't care bout money and we don't play with them pistols
I make money all day then I ball with the profits
Niggas hatin on me, I tell em hatin niggas stop it
Go fuck with a bitch, get that back and then I'm gone
Catch me on that loud pack, blowin on this strong
I make money all day then I ball with the profits
Niggas hatin on me, I tell em hatin niggas stop it
Go fuck with a bitch, get that back and then I'm gone
Catch me on that loud pack, blowin on this strong
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