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[ti:hand in hand]

[al:hand in hand]
befour - hand in hand
album:hand in hand
there's a place right in your heart
it's brighter than outside
if you try a brandnew start
there's no need to cry
there are ways to reach that place
eye to eye and face to face
try it cause it's time to heal the world
cause hand in hand there is a new chance
and hand in hand in peace and harmony
in the end we owe it to the future
cause we believe in peace and harmony
make this world a better place
it's time to make a change
you and the entire race
simply rearrange
make this planet shine in grace
do it for a joyful face
god created heaven here on earth
cause hand in hand there is a new chance
and hand in hand in peace and harmony
in the end we owe it to the future
cause we believe in peace and harmony
cause hand in hand there is a new chance
and hand in hand in peace and harmony
in the end we owe it to the future
cause we believe in peace and harmony
turn around and say goodbye
to all these dreads and fears
let our spirits never die
and time will dry our tears
cause hand in hand there is a new chance
in the end we owe it to the future
cause we believe in peace and harmony
cause hand in hand there is a new chance
and hand in hand in peace and harmony
in the end we owe it to the future
cause we believe in peace and harmony
bcause we believe in peace and harmony


歌曲:magic melody
歌手:befour 专辑:all 4 one

• 搜索"magic melody"LRC歌词
• 搜索"magic melody"mp3
[ti:magic melody ]

[al:all 4 one]

i'm walking through a land
of peace and harmony
come take me by the hand
and join my fantasy
this dream has just begun
come on and sing with me
i know a certain song
a certain melody goes

la la la la la
the magic melody goes
la la la la la
come on and sing with me just
la la la la la
oh music is the key just
la la la la la
so it will set you free

la la la la la...
i know it's just a dream
it's not reality
and not that what it seems
i'm sure my mind is free
like lucy in the sky
we just go on and on
and fly our way up high
until the day is gone

you just got to hold on
to what your heart believes
you'll see you can't go wrong
inside this land of dreams
we fly into the sun
across the milky way
and sing our favorite song
a rainbow shows the way just
la la la la la
the magic melody goes
la la la la la
come on and sing with me just
la la la la la
oh music is the key just
la la la la la
so it will set you free

la la la la la...
the magic melody goes on and on and on and on...
la la la la la
the magic melody goes
la la la la la
come on and sing with me just
la la la la la
oh music is the key just
la la la la la
so it will set you free
la la la la la
http: lrc.bzmtv.com
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