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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 03:37



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 18:31

Job description:
1 and draft stage marketing plan and strategic objectives, the integration of company resources, decompose task to each department and the branches, and supervise the work process,
2, examine and verify, signing the sales contract and agreement of agency authorized by all the project cost control, balance, the price system,
3, formulate business processes and company rules of market,
4 and assist gm to formulate and supervision inspection proceres and performance situation,
5, general manager of the project agent appropriate follow-up and channel maintenance support,
6 and supervision departments of the task, control expenses,
7 and processing company daily affairs and various emergencies, assist gm to do the work.

Main proct:
1, 7 departments, establishing the market integration, comprehensive department, sales, marketing, logistics, and maintain the smooth integration, efficient marketing team.
2 and lead project team to build new company image, and expand the market promotion, diversified show company technical force.
3, establish "sample storehouse", save the cost of sales and output samples of new replacement. Maintenance
4 for over ten years, the company established and cash sales, background of the credit system of financial associated with early warning mechanism.
5, making evaluation mole, and will add to the sales positions, implement the salary range of assessment system. Performance,

Employee training, marketing planning and summarized, market research, aftersale processing, security management, construction management and manufacturers negotiate, operation management in every link of the work.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 18:31

Work content:
1.Drafting stage marketing plan and strategic goals, integrating corporate resources, the task decomposition to various departments and subsidiary companies, and oversee the work process;
2.Examine and sign the sales contract and authorizes local agency agreements, control project costs, balance the national price system;
3.Development of company business processes and integrated marketing department regulations;
4.Assist the General Manager develop and monitor performance of the examination proceres and conditions;
5.Deputy General Manager of the project to follow up and channels around the maintenance of appropriate support;
6.The task of monitoring the completion of all departments, control expenses;
7.Handle the daily affairs and all kinds of emergencies, assist the general manager do a good job.
Main results:
1.integration of the seven departments, the Department established an integrated market, so that marketing, sales, logistics, maintenance of integration, the formation of smooth and efficient marketing team.
2.led the planning team to establish a new image for the company to expand marketing, the company diversified display technology.
3. a "sample library" to save the output sample replacement cost of sales and maintenance of new loss.
4.finishing the company's Days Sales Outstanding was 10 years, establishing financial background associated with the credit system and early warning mechanisms.
5.developing assessment moles, and non-sales positions added to the scope of examination, the implementation of all performance pay system.
Staff training, marketing plan and summary, market research, customer complaints handling, loss prevention management, construction management, vendor negotiations, operations at various aspects of work management work.


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