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The effect of art on people's daily lives写一篇英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-24 12:31



热心网友 时间:2024-09-24 21:17

Art comes from life, but higher than the life. This is make known to every family motto. What is life? Life means everything in the nature. Such as: farming, food, travel, rest and so on. What is art? Art refers to all activities in the nature, the natural phenomenon of experience, perception, refining, processing, and art forms to express it. For example: use music to the performance of high mountain and flowing water, with the painting to show the plum chrysanthemum, calligraphy to the performance of the moon. Rules in art interpretation of natural, life. Its purpose is: from the macro point of view, it makes people understand nature, understanding nature, into a natural, human and nature can better coordinate development. From the micro said, to purify the mind, edify sentiment of.
Art everywhere embodied life, which embodies the natural. Art from life, life source of natural. Life is in different poses and with different expressions, is naturally with countless changes, therefore, is rich and colorful art. In calligraphy, Wang Xizhi peace, such as spring, sunny; Mi Fei's elegant, such as the spring breeze willow, very pretty and charming; Yan Zhenqing's bold, such as burly chap, mighty Kui Wu; Zhao Songxue's soft, such as a quiet and modest maiden, elegant and ethereal; Hong, such as monastic room seats, fresh and quiet and so on, these are by nature, living to tell of the soul artists.
Art comes from life, but higher than life, art is a refinement of life, processing and re creation. The artist to extract valuable, meaningful content from life, to use art to, in turn, enrich people's life, to bring to people new to enjoy. As a technique of expression of art, must not apply mechanically life, or repeated life, but there is a choice to extract the essence of life. In the extraction process, because everyone's life in different times, different content, different environment, the feeling is not the same and so on, so that the work is not the same, it is these different, in order to meet the needs of different people. People stand on a different perspective to examine, literary works, enjoy the beauty from.
Art comes from life, but higher than the life, they are interdependent, mutual promotion. Nature, life to art provides fertile soil, and art to enjoy the performance of natural life, performance, and make life more rich and colorful. In our nature, life experience to the flowers open, the birds singing, the river Pentium, mountain stands, through cognitive, have feeling, for whom the flowers open? The birds sing for whom? The river Pentium for who? The mountain stands for who? Expression of our natural, life emotion; these emotions into other forms of art, such as calligraphy, painting, sculpture, music, dance and so on, so that we can better integration in nature.
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