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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 09:34



热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 19:48

E-commerce (Electronic Commerce) is China's adoption of information technology to transform and upgrade traditional instries in an effective way. Development of e-commerce can not be separated from the protection of the credit system, as a result of e-commerce activities through computer and network (mainly Intermet) transaction, the transaction resulted in the process of buyers and sellers of goods difficult to confirm each other's true identity, therefore, credit risk is the impact of electronic the rapid development of business an important factor. Socio-economic transition in China, e-commerce credit institution-building by many factors.
Credit system in all business activities as the basic norms governing activities in e-commerce play an important mission. However, e to a variety of practical reasons, have led to the current e-commerce sector in our country the status of a credibility crisis. Explore solutions to the credibility of China's e-commerce in the fundamental mode, have a very practical significance.

信用制度:Credit system
诚信体系:Credit system

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 19:48

E-commerce is our country through informatization transform and upgrade traditional instries in an effective way. The development of e-commerce from the credit system, the e-commerce activities through computer and network (mainly Intermet), resulting in trading commodities transaction process to confirm the other sellers identity, therefore, the credit risk is the rapid development of electronic commerce is an important factor. In China's social and economic transition, the construction of credit system of electronic commerce by various factors.
Credit system as the basic criteria of all business activities in e-commerce activities bearing an important mission. But e to various causes, reality of China's e-commerce boundary appears at the credit crisis. Exploring solutions to our country electronic commerce, feel the root of the problem is very realistic significance.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 19:48

E-commerce (Electronic Commerce) is an effective approach to rebuild and upgrade traditional instry through informationaize. Its development cann't depart from the assurance of credit system. Because the electronic commerce bargin through computer and internet,which leads to

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 19:49

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Electronic Commerce (Electronic Commerce) is our objectives through informatization transform and upgrade traditional instries in an effective way. The development of e-commerce from the credit system, the e-commerce activities through computer and network (mainly Intermet), resulting in trading commodities transaction process to confirm the other sellers identity, therefore, the credit risk is the rapid development of electronic commerce is an important factor. In China's social and economic transition, the construction of credit system of electronic commerce by various factors.
Credit system as the basic criteria of all business activities in e-commerce activities bearing an important mission. But e to various causes, reality of China's e-commerce boundary appears at the credit crisis. Exploring solutions to our country electronic commerce, feel the root of the problem is very realistic significance.

Keywords e-commerce/credit system/credit system
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