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简历翻译 计算机专业

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-11 01:57



热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 08:31

Social practice
2004.7 - 2004.9 technical & sales of computer hardware assembly, maintenance. Simple LAN set up. Sales of computer hardware and operating system platform structures.
2005.9 - 2006.7 participation in the activities of associations and societies members of the ad hoc organizations exchange interaction. Broadened their knowledge and understanding of some of the latest industry developments.
2007.2 - 2007.3 structures server soft environment: in the Linux environment, the use of APACHE, TOMCAT, MYSQL, and other software. Set up firewalls and such. On this basis, further functional setup, testing and optimization.
2007.7 - 2007.9 produced before and after the whole station
As a captain leading the other two students completed the independent planning "and the papers submitted to the International Conference" website development. The use of LAMP (Linux, apache, mysql, php) platform and web site structures.
2003.6 - has large communities and the management of the Forum as Webmasters. Processing Forum, circles, and other community type of proceeding the maintenance, and improvement of secondary development, and participate in the Web site publicity, business development and so on.
Majoring courses
Professional courses: computer components and system architecture, algorithms and data structures, operating systems, computer systems analysis, database theory.
Expertise solid, familiar with the programming language. Knowledge of a wide range. In professional for computer hardware, operating system and application software all are very familiar with. A web site development and server structures experience.
 have a stronger self-learning ability and adaptability, have good use of network resources.
 character, cheerful, good communication skills, a teamwork spirit. A strong sense of responsibility, innovation ability and excellent problem-solving ability.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 08:30

Social practice

2004.7 — 2004.9 技术&销售 计算机硬件装配,维护。简单的局域网组建。计算机硬件的销售和操作系统平台的搭建。
2004.7- 2004.9 technical & sales of computer hardware assembly, maintenance. Simple LAN set up. Sales of computer hardware and operating system platform structures.

2005.9 — 2006.7 参与社团的活动并不定期组织本社团会员进行交流互动。拓宽了自己的知识面,了解一些最新的行业动态。
2005.9 - 2006.7 participation in the activities of associations and societies members of the ad hoc organizations exchange interaction. Broadened their knowledge and understanding of some of the latest industry developments.

2007.2 — 2007.3 搭建服务器软环境:在LINUX环境下,使用APACHE、TOMCAT、MYSQL等软件。以及设置防火墙等。并在此基础上做进一步的功能设置、测试与优化。
2007.2 - 2007.3 structures server soft environment: in the Linux environment, the use of APACHE, TOMCAT, MYSQL, and other software. Set up firewalls and such. On this basis, further functional setup, testing and optimization.

2007.7 — 2007.9 整站前后台制作
2007.7 - 2007.9 produced before and after the whole station
As a captain leading the other two students completed the independent planning "and the papers submitted to the International Conference" website development. The use of LAMP (Linux, apache, mysql, php) platform and web site structures.

2003.6 – 至今 大型社区与论坛管理 担任网站管理员。处理论坛,圈子等社区类程序的维护、二次开发和改进,并参与网站宣传,商务开发等工作。
2003.6 - has large communities and the management of the Forum as Webmasters. Processing Forum, circles, and other community type of proceeding the maintenance, and improvement of secondary development, and participate in the Web site publicity, business development and so on.
Majoring courses

专业科目: 计算机组成与系统结构、算法与数据结构、操作系统、计算机系统分析、数据库原理。
Professional courses: computer components and system architecture, algorithms and data structures, operating systems, computer systems analysis, database theory.

Expertise solid, familiar with the programming language. Knowledge of a wide range. In professional for computer hardware, operating system and application software all are very familiar with. A web site development and server structures experience.

 have a stronger self-learning ability and adaptability, have good use of network resources.

 character, cheerful, good communication skills, a teamwork spirit. A strong sense of responsibility, innovation ability and excellent problem-solving ability.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 08:32

The society practice
2004.7 - 2004.9 Technique&sale calculator the hardware assemble and support.The simple bureau area net set set up.Sale and operate system terrace of calculator hardware build.
2005.9 - 2006.7 Participate the activity of association and uncertain expect to organize this association a member to carry on exchanges interaction.Openned widely own knowledge noodles, understand some latest profession dynamic states.
2007.2 - 2007.3 Build the server soft environment:Use APACHE, TOMCAT, MYSQL etc. software under the LINUX environment.And establish fire wall etc..Also do a further function constitution, test on this foundation with excellent turn.
2007.7 - 2007.9 The whole station in front and back the pedestal manufacture
It Be a captain to lead another two developments that the classmates independently planned to complete "international conference and thesis hand over" a website.Use the LAMP(linux, apache, mysql, php) carries on terrace and website to build.
2003.6 The – up to now large community and forum management hold the post of a website a managing person.Handle a forum, turn the maintenance, two developments of the son etc. community procedure and improvement, and participate website publicity, business development etc. work.
Major in a course
Professional category: The calculator constitute and system structure, calculate way and data structure, operate system, the analysis, database principle of the calculator system.
Evaluate by one's own:
Professional the knowledge be firm and acquaint with a plait distance language.Knowledge scope the noodles be wide.At the professional top is for the hardware of calculator and various operate system and applied softwares all acquaint with very much.There is experience that development and server of website build.
? There is stronger and self-educated ability and orientation ability, be good at making use of a network resources.
? The personality is bright, be good at communicating with person and have the team cooperation spirit.The responsibility is strong, there are outstanding creative ability and problem resolving ability.
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