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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-03 06:33



热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 22:57

My Home

Look, this is my home. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a study, and abathroom.

Come here, this is the living room. the wall is white and the floor is orange. the phone is on the table and the fridge is near the window.

L like my home very much.


My family is just a typical Chinese family. Loving parents and me as the only child. Sometimes being the only child in a family can be a tricky business. For example, you attract too much attention from your parents because you are the only kid they need to care about. It really bothers me sometime when they constantly keep telling me to keep up with my study and to get good grades in school.

However, I think my parents are doing what is best for me. They are always on my side. When I wanted to participate in the school student union election to become the chair of the student union, they were excited about this and helped me in preparing my speech and choosing what to wear on that election day. I also am grateful to them because they've bought me a piano. I love music and although I was not happy to practice for 2 hours everyday when I was a kid, now I see why my parents kind of forced me to practice piano. Now I can work under pressure but still present the good work and keep the good spirit. I can also play piano or electronic keyboard when I'm at a party to impress other people.
So a big thank you to my parents and I'm so lucky to be in this family.

My Family
By Chen Nan from Class 1, Grade 7

Hello, this is my family. This is my mother. She is a shop-assistant. She likes eating chicken. And I like eating chicken wing. This is my father. He is a taxi driver. He is fat, but he can run, swim and jump. He likes eating noodles. This is my brother --- Tom. He likes ice-cream very much. He is ten years old. And I’m thirteen years old. This is me. My name is Pen. I like swimming, singing and eating. I like eating apples,bananas, hamburgers and watermelons. This is my family. A happy family.( By Chen Nan from Class 1, Grade 7).

A Letter to Maria

Dear Maria:

Hello, today is your birthday. Happy birthday. This is my family photo. This is my father. He is a boss. He likes blue and black. He likes playing basketball and compute games. This woman is my mother. She likes eating vegetables and chicken. She likes going shopping. This boy is me. I am from Que Qing Internal Foreign Language School. I am in Class One Grade seven. My Chinese name is Chen Yanren. My English name is Cheney. My first name is Yanren. My last name is Chen. My QQ numbers are 76211248 and 422285966. My telephone number is 62574218, my room number is 314. My E-mail is 76211248@com. My age is 13. I like eating orange, ice-cream and chicken. I like playing computer games. I’m very happy. I love my family.

My family

By Lin Leijie

This is my family. There are five people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister, my brother and me. My father is very cool. His name is Lin Taicheng. He likes P.E. His hobby is running. He thinks it’s funny. My mother’s name is Huang Weicha. She is very nice. She likes cooking. She thinks it’s very interesting. Her hobby is running, too. My sister’s name is Lin Yinpin. She is 16 years old. She likes playing computer games. She thinks it’s interesting. My brother’s name is Lin Liexing. He is very cool. His hobby is playing football. My name is Lin Leijie. My hobby is playing football, too. I think it’s funny. My favorite food is ice-cream.

This is my family. I love my family!

A letter to Kevin Li

By Chen Yi

Dear Kevin Li,

I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother, and me. My father is thirty-seven years old. He has two big eyes. His name is Chen Dingyu. He is strong. He is a boss. My mother is housewife. She is quiet. Her name is Lin Zhifeng. She is thirty-seven, too. My brother is funny. He likes watering the flowers. His name is Chen Yanchi. I am thin and tall.

I love my family!

Your student ,

Susan Chen

A Letter to Lisa

By Chen Nan from Class 8

Dear Lisa:

Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo, I’m in the middle. My parents are beside me. My father is a worker, his name is Chen Lingyi, he is very strong, his hobby is reading books. My mother is a housewife, her name is Chen Songmei. She is very hard- working. These are my sisters. They are students, too. My elder sister is very beautiful, her name is Chen Xiaonu, her hobby is playing piano. My younger sister is super clever, her name is Chen Liyan. Her hobby is reading books. This is my big family. I like my family.



A Letter to Mary

Dear Mary:

Thanks for the photo of your family. I am happy you have a happy family. Here is my family photo! Look! In the front the girl is me. I am 12. On my right is my brother. His is an ardent love life boy. He likes games. His name’s Song Bowen. He is ten years old. Behind us, they’re my parents. On the left, it is my mother, she’s 38. Her name is Wang Aifen. She looks very beautiful. Her favorite food is gees. On her left, the man is my father. He is a very good-looking man. His name is Song Ruqing. His favorite color is red.

These are my family members. Do you like my family?

Your friend,

Song Nan

My Family

Hello, my name is Moon. I have a happy family. There are five people in my family. They are my mom, my dad, my brother, my sister and me. I love my family members. Now let me introduce them to you.

My Mon is tall and thin. She has short and curly hair. Her eyes are big. Her mouth is small. She often wears T-shirt and jeans. She is a worker. She works in a factory. She works so hard that she goes home so late. Her favorite season is fall. She says: “Fall is cool. I can eat many fruit.” She doesn’t like winter. It’s too cold. My mom is a common woman but she is hard working. I am proud of her.

My father is strong. He has small eyes and small mouth. He works in a factory, too. He is busy. He often wears western-style clothes. He works all day in the factory. HE is tired when go back home. So he has no time to play with me. But I know he care me. I like to stay with him.

My brother is 4 years older than me. He is a student. He studies in Dong Guan Middle School. It’s a good middle school. All the students there are very good and study very well. My brother is smart. He does well in math and English. He is good at computer, too. He likes playing computer games very much. He is living in school now. Sometimes he studies at school. He goes back on the weekends. We are all proud of him. He is a good brother.

My sister and I are students, too. I am in Grade Six. My sister is in Grade Four. We go to school and go home together. My sister studies hard and does well in her lessons. So do I. After class she often plays sports with her classmates. I don’t like sports. I like reading books. We are helpful at home. We can do much housework. Do you want to make friends with us?

Now you know my family. What about your family? Can you tell me something about your family?

热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 22:59


热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 23:00

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